Saturday, August 7, 2021

Sit or Stand Getting to Know You

In past years, I’ve had kids walk around the room and do surveys at the beginning of the year to get to know each other and start building a sense of classroom community. We would also practice turn & talk with getting-to-know-you topics. But those types of activities may not be allowed right now, so a good option is Sit or Stand.

Basically you just call out something like, “Sit down if you prefer chocolate milk.  Stand up if you prefer white milk.”  Then take a minute to have the students look around, see who answered the same way, and talk a little bit about their choices.

3 things about this summer

I will read out the items and kids will raise their hand if they did that particular thing.  Then discussion ensues

1/True False Quiz

  • On the first day of school I give my new students a T/F quiz all about me. I have silly things in there like “I like to hang upside-down from trees” “I love Harry Potter books” and “My favorite color is purple.” The children take the quiz and then we go over the answers. I usually give a small prize to whoever gets the most correct. Then it is their turn to write a T/F quiz for me about them. If there is time, I will try to answer the quizzes out loud so that everyone gets to know everyone a bit. I tell them I want them to pay attention to punctuation and do the best they can on spelling as well, without putting too much pressure on them about it. This give me a change to preview their skill level as well as get to know them.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

All About Me Posters

On the first day of school, I have my students draw and color their name on a large sheet of paper. They add things about themselves, including their birthdays and their favorite things to do. The posters are then displayed on the wall in the classroom.  

Turning over a new Leaf

On the first day of school students see their names written on a leaf that is hanging from a tree in our reading center. The quote, “Turning over a new leaf” is written on the board and we brainstorm ideas as to what it means. Once the children have an understanding of the quote, they then write me a letter that begins, “This year I am turning over a new leaf. Last year I…..and this year I want to….” Many students wrote about grades, and others wrote about wanting to change their behavior. Students feel better after we have discussed that they are indeed turning over a new leaf because they are starting the new year with a clean slate! 

First Day Letter

First Day Letter

On the first day of school, I have a letter ready for each child. Although the letter is the same, each is addressed with the child’s name. In the letter I introduce myself, talk about my family, my summer holidays and my hobbies. I then ask them to write back to me and fill me in on them. The students are very interested in the personal life of the teacher at this age. The letter back gives a review of the “friendly letter” format, gives me an overview of their writing ability and an insight into the child as well. 

Dear Me

 Dear Me,“Dear Me” is a letter students write to themselves on the first day of school. Inside the letter they are to discuss their feelings about starting a new school year, what they loved/hated about the previous school year, and what they expect to learn this year. The requirements can be changed. The teacher collects the letters to put them in individual envelopes. At the end of the year, the teacher passes out their letters. The students read their own letter. This can lead to other activities such as sharing their letters, seeing if their opinions changes a great deal. It is exciting to read all the letters to get to know the students, understand where they are coming from, and what they expect. At the end of the year it is exciting to observe the students react to their own letters (and share with others). Another adaptation is that I give this assignment to the 6th graders. Then I give them the letters when they graduate the 8th grade. Some students really get a kick out of reading what they wrote 3 years prior. 

Sit or Stand Getting to Know You

In past years, I’ve had kids walk around the room and do surveys at the beginning of the year to get to know each other and start building a...